Mining camp named after James T. Almy, clerk to Simmons, first President of the Bear River Coal Company in 1869. The mine is rich in history of Chinese coal miners in the bituminous mines. (WPA) Named for James T. Almy (Annals of Wyoming 14:2) ... on the site by Thomas J. Almy, for whom the settlement which quickly sprung up was named. The Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company was organized by the Central Pacific Railroad Company and the Union Pacific opened mines. (Wyoming 75th Anniversary Commission)
Feature Category:
Manmade Features
More Reading:
Christiansen, Cleo. Sagebrush Settlements. Lovell, Wyo.: Cleo Christiansen, 1967.; Miller, Donald C. Ghost Towns of Wyoming. Boulder: Pruett Publishing Co., 1977.; Stewart, George R. American Place-Names: A concise and selective dictionary for the Continental United States of America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970.