Warm Springs (Platte)
Name:Warm Springs (Platte)
Origin Of Name:Camping place of John C. Fremont on the Oregon Trail. The spring has a temperature of 70 degrees and remains unfrozen in the coldest weather. It was a favorite camping place of the emigrants and was called the "Emigrants Wash Tub", because the travelers often halted to do their washing. (WPA) Warm Spring, ... was known as the Emigrant's Laundry Tub, because many did their washing here. The spring has an abundant flow of water, registering 70 degrees F. the year around. It is mentioned in many diaries kept on the Oregon Trailthe journal of the Brigham Young train described it as having 'sufficient quantity to turn a millwheel.' Lieutenant John C. Fremont camped here in 1842. For many years the spring has been a watering place for stock. A limekiln is nearthe lime was probably used in purifying water. (Wyoming Guide)
Other Names:Emigrants' Wash Tub, Emigrants' Laundry Tub, Big Spring
Feature Category:Manmade Features
Alternate Spellings:Warm Spring
Document ID:11647

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