Named after a nearby creek that enters Albany County in T-20 R-77 and flows generally north. The creek was named for its rocky bottom. (WPA) Rock Creek, a station after the name of a creek of that name here, at 622 mile-post, has a good station-house, saloon, wood and water house, O. C. Irwin the agent. (Brown's Gazetteer) “Rock Creek, the once famous old cow town of southern Wyoming, is now called the Flake Hall ranch and is about ten miles northeast of the present town of Rock River. The place was deserted when the Union Pacific Railroad changed its route on April 1, 1900. The population moved to the nearest point on the new line and named the town Rock River.” (From “Rock Creek, An early Cow Town” written by Olive Garrett Kafka, WPA field worker, who lived at Rock Creek)
Other Names:
Rock City, Flake Hall Ranch
Feature Category:
Manmade Features
Alternate Spellings:
More Reading:
Historic American Buildings Survey. Rock Creek Station, Junction of Rock Creek & Union Pacific Railroad, Rock River, Albany County, WY. Washington DC: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Documentation compiled after 1933.