Located on the Grand Encampment River, between Medicine Bow and the Sierra Madre mountains, in a beautiful valley. Here was held the grand encampment of Indian tribes for their annual hunting. The town of Encampment has a spectacular and tragic history. Coincident with several mining discoveries in the Encampment mining district during the hectic days of the 1890's when national interest had been attracted to mining by the Cripple Creek and Klondyke booms, a company of Denver promoters, aided by several Carbon County residents, established the Encampment town site on a location bordering the Encampment River. The first log cabin was erected in the summer of 1897. Wide advertising brought people from all parts of the country and for a few years the town had a remarkable growth. Following the discovery of copper, the famous Ferris Haggerty Mine was established, and a number of other promising strikes occurred. Scores of freight teams hauled ore, smelter products, building materials, and merchandise. Fine homes and business houses sprang up overnight. The town reached around 2,000 people by 1908 and the Saratoga & Encampment Railroad was built to supply the stages and freight teams during the growth period. Then arose dissension among the financiers controlling the leading mines and smelters. Litigation ensued, followed by the closing of the industries upon which the town depended for support. One by one business houses failed and closed. People soon began to leave. Within three years the town dwindled to some 200 people and property values fell to almost nothing. (WPA) It was here the grand encampment of the Indians was located for the season's hunting. (Annals of Wyoming 14:3)
Other Names:
Grand Encampment
Feature Category:
Manmade Features
More Reading:
Grand Encampment, 1898-1912. Armstrong, J. Reuel. Rawlins, Wyo. : Rawlins Newspapers, Inc., 1970.; Grand Encampment : images of America. Moulton, Candy. Charlston, S.C. : Arcadia Pub 2012.; The grand Encampment : settling the high country. Moulton, Candy Vyvey. Glendo, Wyo. : High Plains Press, 1997.; Grand Encampment copper towns. Patera, Alan H. Lake Oswego, OR : The Depot, 1991.