Bozeman Trail
Name:Bozeman Trail
Origin Of Name:In the pioneer days, a number of well-established trails led across virgin territory. The Bozeman Trail, which started at Douglas and passed through Johnson County on its way to the gold fields of Montana, was named after John Bozeman, one of the early trail men who later settled in Montana. (WPA)
County:Converse; Johnson; Sheridan
Feature Category:Manmade Features
More Reading:"The Bozeman Trail" by Susan Badger Doyle in Annals of Wyoming 70:2.; The Bozeman Trail : historical accounts of the blazing of the overland routes into the Northwest, and the fights with Red Cloud's warriors. Hebard, Grace Raymond. Glendale, Calif. : Arthur H. Clark, 1960, c1922.
Document ID:11569

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